Core Competencies Analysis (Course)

This is a 17-slide PowerPoint.

Core Competencies Analysis is a powerful 5-phase business framework used to determine company-specific skills that enable differentiated value delivery. In other words, using Core Competencies Analysis, we can determine true competitive advantages of our company. 

This offers invaluable insight into the company's business strategy, including answers to the following questions:
*What products or services should we invest in (to best leverage our core competencies)?
*What are our critical deficiencies that we need to improve upon?
*What products or services should we divest?


Keywords: Core Competencies Analysis, Core Competencies, strategy, marketing, sales, Operations

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Core Competencies Analysis (Course)

Core Competencies Analysis
Core Competencies Analysis

This is a 17-slide PowerPoint.

Core Competencies Analysis is a powerful 5-phase business framework used to determine company-specific skills that enable differentiated value delivery. In other words, using Core Competencies Analysis, we can determine true competitive advantages of our company. 

This offers invaluable insight into the company's business strategy, including answers to the following questions:
*What products or services should we invest in (to best leverage our core competencies)?
*What are our critical deficiencies that we need to improve upon?
*What products or services should we divest?



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Core Competencies Analysis (Course)

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Price :

$39.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 212 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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