Reinventing Senior Executives: THE 50+ Guide (Course)
This guide / training course is for senior CEOs, business executives and entrepreneurs, 50+ or 60+ or even 70+, male or female, of Fortune 500 companies, multinational companies and SMEs, anywhere on the planet. It is a comprehensive and strategic approach to rejuvenate senior executives, to counteract aging effects and even reverse them, and to boost their youthfulness, resilience and outlook. Moreover, to help senior executives resonate better with the rapidly changing world driven by new trends and disrupting innovations and social transformations. It is about developing renewed" bench strength" for greater corporate longevity.
Objective is to give you as a senior executive the tools to reinvent and rejuvenate yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. The guide seeks to help you acquire EVERY YEAR high impact tools, skills and habits, and also technological gadgets and leading edge transformation techniques. It is loaded with some hundred new tips with refreshing perspective presenting many original methods that work immediately. It helps you push your inherent limits to even surpass the performance of younger executives. It does not only help you to catch up with the present fast changing business environment but to adapt to the even more important FUTURE landscape.
Ample research has been performed for this guide to bring out the best available and from known international sources. The guide includes also a lot of visuals to prove the point and to stimulate thinking.
The guide / training course has been jointly created by two senior business and management consultants, Stephen Sweid and John Gelmini and, with extensive international presence and involvement. Both consultants have a solid strategic perspective and are oriented towards transformation and quantum leaps on the professional and organizational levels. The senior authors are talking from their own international proven experience and tested methods, as a cumulative lifelong experience, presenting the creme of the creme. They are also reinforcing their inputs with research and empirical data, e.g. international statistics and various international surveys.
JOHN GELMINI is an accomplished management consultant, troubleshooter, project manager and transformation leader who has travelled extensively, has an international pedigree and has operated in diverse environments with up to 55 different nationalities. Across a total of 60 different engagements all of them have been completed on time and to budget with full benefits realization using a mixture of Far Eastern, Western , proprietary and blended techniques to achieve the end result.
Dr. STEPHEN M. SWEID is a senior business and management consultant, researcher, trainer and globetrotter with over 20 years consulting and research experience on the international scene, including Europe, USA, Middle East and Far East, covering a wide spectrum of industries. Stephen has contributed to numerous international donor organizations, such as UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, and European Commission and to many multinationals, such as Siemens, IBM, Nikon and Toshiba, but also to many SMEs in different countries. Consultant specializes in quantum leap strategy and innovation. He started in 2010 the Linkedin group "50+ Quantum Leapers," which is still active.
The guide can be used as a training course too.
Authors can also deliver this whole material or individual topics as consulting, or as an in-house presentation or as a training course.
About the authors
Objective of the guide
About this guide
Background and justification
Demographic Statistics 50+ and 60+
Senior CEOs in USA and other countries
Statistics about millionaires and companies
Stats of small businesses and startups and age
Examples of Entrepreneurs after 60
Comparative advantages of 50+ and 60+
Thinking and habits of wealthiest people
Self audit after 50 and 60
Issues of time for senior executives
Optimal Performance Style for Senior Executives
Secrets of Longevity from the Blue Zones
Transformation issues as senior executive
Quantum leap change for senior CEOs
Pushing limits and constant motion
The Push factor
Fitness for leaders
Issues of calculated risk for senior CEOs
Role of a strong willpower and never giving up
Tips by Richard Branson and Warren Buffet
New measures and skills to add
The role of new gadgets and technology
Technology freak
Learning and experiencing new things
Your senses
Indirect research and research skills
Recalibrating forecasting
The two secrets of success
Coping with a new environment
Habits of numerous famous senior executives
Magic Keys to improved performance
Combating stress for senior executives
Synergizing with Your Organization
People and collaboration issues
Changing the world
Mixing with people
The power of the spoken word
The international dimension
Prioritizing for senior CEOs
Advanced strategic thinking
Magic of daily achievements
The WOW concept and approach
Testing ideas first
Memory boosters
Creativity boosters
Iterative convergence method
Innovative organizations
Suggested training courses
Reinventing Senior Executives: THE 50+ Guide (Course)

This guide / training course is for senior CEOs, business executives and entrepreneurs, 50+ or 60+ or even 70+, male or female, of Fortune 500 companies, multinational companies and SMEs, anywhere on the planet. It is a comprehensive and strategic approach to rejuvenate senior executives, to counteract aging effects and even reverse them, and to boost their youthfulness, resilience and outlook. Moreover, to help senior executives resonate better with the rapidly changing world driven by new trends and disrupting innovations and social transformations. It is about developing renewed" bench strength" for greater corporate longevity.
Objective is to give you as a senior executive the tools to reinvent and rejuvenate yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. The guide seeks to help you acquire EVERY YEAR high impact tools, skills and habits, and also technological gadgets and leading edge transformation techniques. It is loaded with some hundred new tips with refreshing perspective presenting many original methods that work immediately. It helps you push your inherent limits to even surpass the performance of younger executives. It does not only help you to catch up with the present fast changing business environment but to adapt to the even more important FUTURE landscape.
Ample research has been performed for this guide to bring out the best available and from known international sources. The guide includes also a lot of visuals to prove the point and to stimulate thinking.
The guide / training course has been jointly created by two senior business and management consultants, Stephen Sweid and John Gelmini and, with extensive international presence and involvement. Both consultants have a solid strategic perspective and are oriented towards transformation and quantum leaps on the professional and organizational levels. The senior authors are talking from their own international proven experience and tested methods, as a cumulative lifelong experience, presenting the creme of the creme. They are also reinforcing their inputs with research and empirical data, e.g. international statistics and various international surveys.
JOHN GELMINI is an accomplished management consultant, troubleshooter, project manager and transformation leader who has travelled extensively, has an international pedigree and has operated in diverse environments with up to 55 different nationalities. Across a total of 60 different engagements all of them have been completed on time and to budget with full benefits realization using a mixture of Far Eastern, Western , proprietary and blended techniques to achieve the end result.
Dr. STEPHEN M. SWEID is a senior business and management consultant, researcher, trainer and globetrotter with over 20 years consulting and research experience on the international scene, including Europe, USA, Middle East and Far East, covering a wide spectrum of industries. Stephen has contributed to numerous international donor organizations, such as UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, and European Commission and to many multinationals, such as Siemens, IBM, Nikon and Toshiba, but also to many SMEs in different countries. Consultant specializes in quantum leap strategy and innovation. He started in 2010 the Linkedin group "50+ Quantum Leapers," which is still active.
The guide can be used as a training course too.
Authors can also deliver this whole material or individual topics as consulting, or as an in-house presentation or as a training course.
About the authors
Objective of the guide
About this guide
Background and justification
Demographic Statistics 50+ and 60+
Senior CEOs in USA and other countries
Statistics about millionaires and companies
Stats of small businesses and startups and age
Examples of Entrepreneurs after 60
Comparative advantages of 50+ and 60+
Thinking and habits of wealthiest people
Self audit after 50 and 60
Issues of time for senior executives
Optimal Performance Style for Senior Executives
Secrets of Longevity from the Blue Zones
Transformation issues as senior executive
Quantum leap change for senior CEOs
Pushing limits and constant motion
The Push factor
Fitness for leaders
Issues of calculated risk for senior CEOs
Role of a strong willpower and never giving up
Tips by Richard Branson and Warren Buffet
New measures and skills to add
The role of new gadgets and technology
Technology freak
Learning and experiencing new things
Your senses
Indirect research and research skills
Recalibrating forecasting
The two secrets of success
Coping with a new environment
Habits of numerous famous senior executives
Magic Keys to improved performance
Combating stress for senior executives
Synergizing with Your Organization
People and collaboration issues
Changing the world
Mixing with people
The power of the spoken word
The international dimension
Prioritizing for senior CEOs
Advanced strategic thinking
Magic of daily achievements
The WOW concept and approach
Testing ideas first
Memory boosters
Creativity boosters
Iterative convergence method
Innovative organizations
Suggested training courses
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$25.00 ( Per License )
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