Rogers' Five Factors (Course)
This is a 29-slide PowerPoint.
This document discusses Rogers' Five Factors, framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations.
Businesses are interested in understanding how innovations diffuse, so that they can better predict and manage this consumer adoption. A popular framework for this is the Consumer Adoption Lifecycle (or Product Lifecycle), which traces the adoption of a product as it passes through 5 categories of consumers. This is a viewpoint that focuses on people.
Rogers' Five Factors is a product-focused framework that should be used in conjunction with the Consumer Adoption Lifecycle. Developed by Everett Rogers, this framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors:
1. Relative advantage
2. Compatibility
3. Complexity
4. Trialability
5. Observability
This document explains the framework, provides examples, shows how to use this framework with the Production Adoption Lifecycle, and includes PowerPoint templates that can be leveraged in your own analysis.
Keywords: Product Launch Strategy, product strategy, Product Go-to-Market Strategy, Product Adoption, strategy, marketing, sales
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Rogers' Five Factors (Course)
This is a 29-slide PowerPoint.
This document discusses Rogers' Five Factors, framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations.
Businesses are interested in understanding how innovations diffuse, so that they can better predict and manage this consumer adoption. A popular framework for this is the Consumer Adoption Lifecycle (or Product Lifecycle), which traces the adoption of a product as it passes through 5 categories of consumers. This is a viewpoint that focuses on people.
Rogers' Five Factors is a product-focused framework that should be used in conjunction with the Consumer Adoption Lifecycle. Developed by Everett Rogers, this framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors:
1. Relative advantage
2. Compatibility
3. Complexity
4. Trialability
5. Observability
This document explains the framework, provides examples, shows how to use this framework with the Production Adoption Lifecycle, and includes PowerPoint templates that can be leveraged in your own analysis.
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