Soft Side of Change Management (Course)

This is a 20-slide PowerPoint.

This document contains 6 frame Change Management frameworks that deal with the "soft" side of managing effective organizational change:

1. Dimensions of Change
2. Emotional Cycle of Change
3. Ingredients of Change
4. Level of Commitment
5. Phases of Team Building
6. Trust Formula

Keywords: strategic planning, strategy, marketing, sales, change management

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Soft Side of Change Management (Course)

Soft Side of Change Management
Soft Side of Change Management

This is a 20-slide PowerPoint.

This document contains 6 frame Change Management frameworks that deal with the "soft" side of managing effective organizational change:

1. Dimensions of Change
2. Emotional Cycle of Change
3. Ingredients of Change
4. Level of Commitment
5. Phases of Team Building
6. Trust Formula


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Soft Side of Change Management (Course)

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$29.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 511 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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